We’ve just launched our revised Lawgix Inc. website, and we welcome you to take a stroll through the pages. Historically, Lawgix Inc. and our sister law firm, Lawgix Lawyers, LLC, have shared a common space. However, given the growth of both, that no longer suited our needs.
The goal of our new site is to inform and engage. First, we want to inform visitors about our vision and how our current solution, Lawgix Collections Litigation Exchange (CLX), takes us towards that vision. Additionally, we want to share How It Works. If you understand how we view the problem and our approach to solving it, everything makes more sense. Finally, we also wanted to share a bit about ourselves. Everyone spends a huge portion of their lives “at work”, but there’s no reason we can’t learn about each other, build lasting relationships, and find common ground.
The one gap in our story right now is our Customer Success pages. We have not formalized our success stories just yet; we’re simply too busy making our customers successful. However, we do plan to roll out those stories over the coming weeks and months. So, please come back and read them as they arrive.
We also hope to use the site to engage with customers and prospects. On virtually every page, we invite you to reach out to us. Per our values and culture, we want the experience with Lawgix to be personal and direct. So, we encourage you – here and on our pages – to contact us, early and often.
We look forward to your feedback, which you can send as you might expect through the forms, or just drop us a line at info@lawgixlaw.com. Thanks for your visit.
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